Dog’s Eye View

A dog’s eye view – a poem

I sit and watch as my best friend drives away.

Where is it that she has to go on this very day?

I sigh and look around the room.

I really hope she’ll be home again soon.

I fall asleep in my bed dreaming I’m chasing a ball, when I awake to the sound of a person in the hall.

I jump up, I know who it is!

It’s the one who takes me for a walk and lets me run and play.

I know I’ll have fun now, for this time on this day.

She gives me a treat and takes me to the park, so much fun that it makes me want to bark.

I chase a ball, I run around,

I meet my friends from all across town.

I come home and she gives me another treat, as she wipes the mud from underneath my feet.

When my best friend arrives home I’ll tell her about my adventures, with a woof and a wag, as she puts down her bag.

But for now I’ll settle in my basket and rest and wait.

For now I’m happy and the day was great.

Poem  “by Susanna Sambells”